The Cockatoo, Too Trailer has launched...

Im thrilled to announce that the trailer made its debut on Mr. Schus fabulous blog yesterday! Please head on over there to watch the trailer and read a few words about the book. As usual, I must thank my very talented brother for the music and my two daughters for the voiceovers.

written and illustrated by Bethanie Deeney Murguia Available January 5th, 2016 Pre-Order Your Copy Today! Cockatoo, Too uses only twelve words to tell a tongue-twisting, wordplay-ful tale of cockatoos, toucans, tutus, and more. It's a whole lot of fun with words and birds. Kirkus, in a starred review, says, "It's all delightfully hilarious.

All of this means that the countdown is less than one month, Cockatoo, Too will be unleashed on the world. January 5th, which also happens to be National Bird Day, is the publication date.

And, theres a really wonderful launch event for Cockatoo, Too in the works. If you are local (or in need of a vacation), please join me on January 9th at 11am. lll be at the lovely, cozy Diesel Bookstore (Larkspur Landing) with tutus, boas, music, crafts, and a real live cockatoo to welcome this book and its wacky dancing birds to the world. 

In the meantime, Ive been busying myself making a paper mache cockatoo. I find it both meditative and soothing, and especially in the wake of so much tragedy in the world, I feel the need to be creating/making/putting good things out there. It keeps me moving forward. And, this little bird makes me smile every time I encounter it in the house. Wishing a peaceful, joyful December to all.