Nine (Great) Hours in Manhattan

As soon as I heard Zoe Gets Ready would be in the window of the Scholastic Store on Broadway, I HAD to go. Due to a couple of ridiculous schedules (mine, my husband's), the trip was very quick. But oh, was it worth it! My agent has already written about it on her blog; please check it out for better coverage than you'll get from me in my current, sleep-deprived state.

The window! That's my wonderful editor, Cheryl Klein on the left.

Here are the stickers that Mary mentions in her post. Even the Scholastic grownups were not immune to their charms.

Zoe stickers: repositionable and good for hours of fun.

On a personal note, it was the first time I've been back to Manhattan in over 12 years. I lived there for six years in the 90s. In addition to the book stuff, I was able to spend a leisurely morning with my brother, a leisurely afternoon with one of my dearest friends in the world, stroll along the High Line (such a phenomenally brilliant idea), take in the SVA MFA Illustration Thesis Show (My Alma Mater! Fantastic work!), and snap photos of the restaurant where my husband and I went on many of our early dates almost 17 years ago. All in all, a good day.